We have created some custom actions for Photoshop to prepare images for printing. Download them here and follow the install instructions below.
The above file is a .zip file containing .js Javascript files, your browser may warn you about risk downloading scripts like this, as it is a common way to trick people into installing malware. All files are readable in a text editor like Notepad to see that nothing nefarious is being done within these scripts.

Whats Included:
- Folder of script files to be placed into Photoshops’ Directory.
- A Photoshop Action file to quickly run the scripts
- A Read Me file which is just a simplifed version of this page.
How To Install
- Extract the supplied zip folder, and copy the folder “Actions By Art House” into your Photoshops “Scripts” folder.
- Keep all scripts in the packaged folder. However the folder name can be changed if you wish.

Where to find the scripts folder?
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 20##\Presets\Scripts
Windows example: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2023\Presets\Scripts\Actions By Art House
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 20##/Presets/Scripts
MacOS example: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 2023/Presets/Scripts/Actions By Art House
- Once the folder is in place, Restart / Open Photoshop
- Open your Actions Panel and choose “Load Actions“, Navigate to the extracted folder from step 1, and choose the .ATN file

- All Done! Run any of the installed actions on your images as required.
Notes: You can also find some of these actions under “File > Automate” if you would like to include include them as part of any of your normal actions workflow, although due to their dialogs, may not behave with any batch work you may attempt.
What Actions are included
- Crop sizes for each of the Crystal Blocks we offer, Including bleed, and guide lines to check positioning.
- Canvas Wraps: Styles Included: Mirror, Colour, Content Aware, or Guides Only (for your custom wraps)
Coming Soon:
- Custom Image Size: Combines “Image Size” and “Canvas Size” into one Dialog to easily make print ready files.